Stopping the spread of covid in the workplace was of utmost importance and equally important was the need to spread accurate information about policy, rules, steps to employees who got covid or had immediate family members affected by covid. Developing solutions and making changes fast required not a normal team of technical resources but resources willing to work hard and smart and sometimes 20 hours a day.
Salesforce Service Cloud Case Management
Salesforce Shield
AWS Services Machine Learning
24/7 Managed Services
Because no software company or the government had a solution to do this tracking in any HRMS system, it had to be created from a robust case management system like Salesforce Service Cloud. This three year engagement required a tech team spread out in multiple countries to support 24 hours of development and support. Tracking employees in the buildings by integrating with other facility systems like badge scan data had to be built quickly and securely. Everything had to be done in multiple phases to get some information first and then work on subsequent releases that enhanced the data and added features. This was one of the most critical systems we ever created and we hope that the client never needs to use it again.

A large conglomerate with diverse business lines and thousands of employees in dozens of countries did better financially during covid than most other companies. Revenue grew and hiring grew as quickly as possible to accommodate the increase in demand from consumers who avoided going out and delivered everything home.